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Once Human Apanhador de Sonhos Icon

Apanhador de Sonhos

Produz materiais especiais que podem ser usados para criar Poções de Impulso. Libera uma armadilha de teia para prender inimigos quando você está em perigo.


Whim: Web of Silk icon
Whim: Web of Silk
When in danger, spits a spider web to restrain your enemies.

Location Guide - Manibus

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Entrada do Notebook

Deviation O-004 is a rudimentary dreamcatcher woven from threads of an unidentified protein. It has a circular outer frame with a diameter of 30 centimeters, within which is set a web-like structure. Although the frame appears to be beech wood, material analysis shows that it is composed of the same protein threads that make up the web. The entity gives off a faint purple luminescence, but does not emit any radiation. A black thread (designated O-004-A) will often materialize in the vicinity of O-004 without prior warning. Apart from its black color, O-004-A resembles the threads that make up O-004's web, and will rapidly spread across solid surfaces to form an intricate networked pattern.

O-004's primary Deviation Trait is its soporific influence. Contact with O-004 or O-004-A induces an abrupt state of sleep in humans, irrespective of the individual's prior mental state. Subjects exposed to this effect awaken after an REM phase lasting between 5 minutes and 48 hours. The Deviation Trait is equally efficacious on individuals suffering from sleep disorders.

Individuals affected for no more than 8 hours (Class I subjects) report a lack of discernible memories, often describing their experience as one of tranquil, dreamless sleep, although a minority also reports a vague sensation of being watched, or a pervasive feeling of emptiness and loss.

Individuals affected for more than 12 hours (Class II subjects) typically report experiencing long nightmares that involve being pursued and tormented by an "invisible hunter" or "transparent monster," albeit without specific details.

Individuals affected between 8 and 12 hours have experiences falling somewhere between Class I and Class II. The longer the duration of sleep, the closer the experiences are to Class II.

Nearly all Class II subjects exhibit physical symptoms to varying degrees after waking up. These symptoms present spontaneously after the conclusion of REM sleep, but before full recovery of consciousness. Attempts to forcibly awaken or isolate the subject from O-004 using currently available methods have proven futile in preventing these symptoms. Documented physical symptoms include:
· Elevated heart rate and sharp increase in blood pressure.
· Abrasions, bruises, and contusions across the body.
· Open wounds resembling sharp force injuries.
· Intense pain accompanied by microscopic puncture wounds and neurotoxin traces on the neck, wrists, ankles, and behind the ears.
· Death due to cardiac arrest.
· [Data Deleted]
· [Data Deleted]

Securement Procedures:
Secure O-004 in an airtight S-Vessel. Perform integrity and airtightness inspections on the S-Vessel every 2 working days.
Establish a Grade VI or higher biohazard safe room at the securement site.
Observe your colleagues, and immediately report any abnormal soporific behavior.

Sleep anywhere outside the safe room.
Sleep for more than 7 hours at a time.

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Ícone de Ponto Limite de Transferência NevValor de Areia Astral
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