Boneca Vodu | Mutações | Once Human
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Once Human Boneca Vodu Icon

Boneca Vodu

Pode participar do combate, compartilhando o dano recebido por seu mestre ou possuindo inimigos para que eles compartilhem o dano que seu mestre recebe.


Doppelganger icon
Doppelganger (Lvl 1)

Continuously focuses on the player. Sharing half of the DMG received by the player.

Designated Target icon
Designated Target (Lvl 1)

Designate a target for the Voodoo Doll to take effect. If the target is an ally, the Deviation will share a portion of the DMG taken. If the target is an enemy, the enemy will share a portion of the DMG taken by the player.

Location Guide - Manibus

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Entrada do Notebook

Deviation O-037 consists of two parts: O-037-A, a simple cloth doll with a length of around 20 centimeters and a weight of around 11 grams, and O-037-B, a long curved iron nail with a length of around 18 centimeters. The main body of the object, O-037-A, is made of a stained white cloth bound with filler of an unknown material. O-037-A can be roughly divided into a "head" and a "body" and has a pronounced dent in its chest area.

O-037 is suspected to originate from the civilization. According to existing literature, the people regard the object as a medium for attaching spiritual connections.

O-037's primary Deviation Trait is its ability to link with biological organisms: multiple body contact experiments show that after subjects come into contact with the object, and when O-037-B is inserted into O-037-A to activate its Deviation Trait, biological changes are triggered in both the linked organism and the object.
Experiment Results:
·The subject actively refused the link, resulting in the experiment failing.
·The subject came into contact with O-037 (both O-037-A and O-037-B), but O-037-B was not inserted into O-037-A. No abnormal response from the subject or the object was observed.
·The subject was an individual whose body was suffering various forms of damage: infection, trauma, organ failure, and others. A fixed proportion of this damage continued to be reflected on the object until the subject lost vital signs.
·The object does not have language capacity, but through its Deviation Trait, it can cause the subject's brain to experience neural activity and achieve a highly synchronized state to convey information. The subject was unable to understand most of the information conveyed, except that "people are born to die."
Research shows that this phrase is a proverb of the people.

Securement Procedures:
Secure O-037 in a Grade II Securement Cell for high-value items outfitted with a altar. Place the object on the altar.

Insert O-037-B into O-037-A.

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Ícone de QualidadeQualidade

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