Captura de tela | Mutações | Once Human
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Once Human Captura de tela Icon

Captura de tela

Pode participar do combate para fotografar constantemente inimigos próximos, aumentando o Dano de arma que eles recebem.


Auto Photograph icon
Auto Photograph (Lvl 1)

Automatically seeks a target, then teleports to the target's location to take a photo, dealing Status DMG and causing them to receive 16.2% more Weapon DMG.

Auto Photograph icon
Auto Photograph (Lvl 2)

Automatically seeks a target, then teleports to the target's location to take a photo, dealing Status DMG and causing them to receive 21.6% more Weapon DMG.

Auto Photograph icon
Auto Photograph (Lvl 3)

Automatically seeks a target, then teleports to the target's location to take a photo, dealing Status DMG and causing them to receive 27% more Weapon DMG.

Auto Photograph icon
Auto Photograph (Lvl 4)

Automatically seeks a target, then teleports to the target's location to take a photo, dealing Status DMG and causing them to receive 32.4% more Weapon DMG.

Auto Photograph icon
Auto Photograph (Lvl 5)

Automatically seeks a target, then teleports to the target's location to take a photo, dealing Status DMG and causing them to receive 37.8% more Weapon DMG.

Manual Photograph icon
Manual Photograph (Lvl 1)

Attaches to your back. While OTS or ADS, locks onto a part of the enemy before dealing damage. The more hits registered, the faster it locks onto the enemy.

Location Guide - Way of Winter

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Entrada do Notebook

Deviation O-049 is an old white film camera with an ultra-long zoom lens. The exterior shows signs of wear, with several scratches and some peeling paint. O-049 weighs approximately 3.7 kilograms and is about 500 millimeters long, with an aperture range of f/2.8 to f/8.

O-049's main Deviation power lies in is its sympathetic property: when used to photograph a living subject, the effects of the developed image are mirrored onto the subject.

O-049 has some level of awareness. Typically, when a researcher attempts to influence the subject via the photograph, the result leans toward the researcher's intent (see experimental records below). However, if O-049 is not used for a prolonged period, or if the same image is photographed repeatedly, its Deviation effects will gradually turn negative and even risk causing serious harm.

Experiment Record O-049-A-001
Date: \\
Subject: Researcher 's Welsh Corgi.
Image: Subject standing side-on, turning its head to the camera, tongue out in a joyful expression.
Photo processing: The photo was cropped vertically, cutting off the subject's tail.
Result: The dog's tail was immediately severed and healed perfectly, as if it had been docked years ago. Throughout the experiment, the dog showed no signs of bleeding or pain, maintaining a happy and excited demeanor.

Experiment Record O-049-A-002
Date: \\
Subject: Researcher
Image: Subject standing, holding O-049 for a selfie, smiling at the camera.
Photo processing: Researcher colored their hair green in the photograph with a fluorescent marker.
Result: Researcher 's hair turned green, emitting a faint glow and glowing in the dark. This effect lasted over six months.
Researcher was removed from the O-049 project, demoted to V2, and had the next three quarters of performance bonuses deducted.

(Note: Just because it's having fun doesn't mean it's a dress-up camera. Deviations are not toys to be misused—Site Supervisor .)

Experiment Record O-049-A-002
Date: \\
Subject: High-risk Deviant sample --
Image: Subject splitting into multiple amorphous black tendrils, shattering a reinforced S-Vessel, attempting to attack Site Supervisor .
Photo processing: Researcher grabbed the photo, then [Data Deleted].
Result: [Data Deleted]. Researcher regained V3 privileges and was named Employee of the Month.

Securement Guidelines:
O-049 should be stored in a level-II or higher precious object S-Vessel and accessed only by authorized personnel with V3 clearance or above.
Every 15 working days, follow securement protocols to use O-049 to photograph the specified image.

Must Not:
Point O-049's lens at others.
Place your finger on O-049's shutter outside of photograph sessions.

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Ícone de Ponto Limite de Transferência NevValor de Areia Astral
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Não Vendável
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Ícone de QualidadeQualidade

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