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For taming the Moschops, be prepared with a variety of foods. It has a preference for Sap, Giant Bee Honey, Leech Blood, Rare Mushrooms, Rare Flowers, Organic Polymer, as well as Raw and Cooked variations of Meat, Prime Meat, and Prime Fish Meat. Notably, it also consumes Berries. Be aware that with each feeding, the Moschops will change its food preference.
Echa un vistazo a esta breve guía en video sobre cómo domesticar un Moschops.
Stat | Base (Level 1)⇅ | Incremento por nivel (Salvaje)⇅ | Incremento por nivel (Domesticado)⇅ | Rango |
Comida | 300.0 | +30.00 | +2.00% | - |
Salud | 375.0 | +75.00 | +5.40% | - |
Oxígeno | 150.0 | +15.00 | +2.00% | - |
Peso | 200.0 | +4.00 | +0.80% | - |
Energía | 300.0 | +30.00 | +2.00% | - |
Torpeza | 300.0 | +18.00 | +0.00% | - |
Multiplicador de velocidad | 100.0% | +0.00% | +1.00% | - |
Multiplicador de daño cuerpo a cuerpo | 100.0% | +5.00% | +10.00% | - |