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Here you can find all information about the GiveItemSet command. You can see how to use it, what parameters to add, what the command does and use our command generator to create a ready to use command for ARK: Survival Ascendend or ARK: Survival Evolved.
Gives you all items in the specified item set tier. Tier is a required integer and should be one of the following: Tier 0 contains 90 × Cooked Meat, 200 × Stimberry, 2 × Waterskin. Tier 1 contains 2 × Water Jar, 200 × Stimberry, 90 × Cooked Meat, 100 × Medical Brew. Tier 2 contains 100 × Medical Brew, 100 × Energy Brew, 100 × Cactus Broth, 60 × Cooked Meat Jerky, 2 × Canteen. Tier 3 contains 5 × Shadow Steak Saute, 5 × Enduro Stew, 5 × Focal Chili, 5 × Lazarus Chowder, 100 × Medical Brew, 100 × Energy Brew, 100 × Cactus Broth, 90 × Cooked Meat Jerky. The 'Food' tier contains 30 × Cooked Meat Jerky, 30 × Prime Meat Jerky. The 'Water' tier provides one Canteen Refill. The 'Brews' tier contains 100 × Medical Brew, 100 × Energy Brew.
Below you can find all generic information about the GiveItemSet command.