AddMutations Command | ARK: Survival Ascended
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AddMutations Command

Here you can find all information about the AddMutations command. You can see how to use it, what parameters to add, what the command does and use our command generator to create a ready to use command for ARK: Survival Ascendend or ARK: Survival Evolved.

Command Breakdown

This console command is only available in ASA. It adds a given amount of mutation points to the dino you target. StatType is a digit which can be set to: 0 (Health), 1 (Stamina), 2 (Torpidity), 3 (Oxygen), 4 (Food), 5 (Water), 6 (Temperature), 7 (Weight), 8 (MeleeDamageMultiplier), 9 (SpeedMultiplier), 10 (TemperatureFortitude) or 11 (CraftingSpeedMultiplier).HowMany is a digit between 1 and 255 (<b>Note:</b> The maximum number of mutation points a dino can have in one stat is 255).


  • StatType (Integer[32]): The type of mutation. Possible values: 0 (Health), 1 (Stamina), 2 (Torpidity), 3 (Oxygen), 4 (Food), 5 (Water), 6 (Temperature), 7 (Weight), 8 (MeleeDamageMultiplier), 9 (SpeedMultiplier), 10 (TemperatureFortitude) or 11 (CraftingSpeedMultiplier).
  • HowMany (Integer[32]): The number of mutation points to add. Possible values: A digit between 1 and 255.

Command Information

Below you can find all generic information about the AddMutations command.

  • Cheat:
  • Console Compatible:
  • Target: Crosshair
  • Version: 0.0

Command Generator


Usage Examples




  • 1. TAB | command_tab_desc

  • 2. ENTER | command_enter_desc

  • 3. MULTIPLAYER | command_prefix_info_desc