M. Bongénie | Anomalies | Once Human

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Once Human M. Bongénie Icon

M. Bongénie

Peut participer au combat en attaquant à l'aide d'armes à feu et en infligeant Dans le mille aux ennemis.


Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 1)

Automatically attacks hostile targets.

Rapid Fire icon
Rapid Fire (Lvl 1)

Launch a burst at enemies near the crosshair or nearby hostile targets, marking them with The Bull's Eye.

Location Guide - Manibus

Visit the creator's channel for more Once Human guides and content

Notebook Entrée

Deviation O-010 is a white cartoon alpaca plushie toy, styled after "Mr. Wish," the mascot of a theme park and resort called "Wish Land". The Deviation is adorned with a black top hat and sunglasses.

Oh, hello there, my friend. Are you one of THEM, I wonder?

Tell me, are you getting sick of reading boring old lab reports written by a bunch of ?

Well then, please allow me, the great and wonderful Mr. Wish, to introduce myself instead. Here we go:

Deviation O-010 is generally uncooperative and bad-tempered.

Mr. Wish boasts an IQ of 985.

Mr. Wish is omnipotent, or at least, used to be.

Mr. Wish bequeathed many wonderful treasures to his friends, but it seems that his friends lost in the ghost hunt because of these gifts, so Mr. Wish owes them an apology.

(PS: Here's a list of the incredible treasures stolen by THEM)

- License to Practice Medicine
- Engineering License
- A Spare Hole for a Hat
- The Heart of the Sun
- Wish Land Mascot Certification
- The Sweet Sweet Spring
Mr. Wish always wears his shades because his gaze alone can strike his enemies down dead, and he doesn't want to lose the joy of shooting down them.

Mr. Wish once exchanged a high-five with , and the whole world collapsed.

Mr. Wish is impervious to Memetic contamination because Memetics fear Mr. Wish. And why shouldn't they?

Mr. Wish controls all the Wish Machines behind the scenes. If you aren't getting what you want from a Wish Machine, it means you are not PIOUS ENOUGH.

Mr. Wish is not just Mr. Wish.

Deviation O-010 surrendered and entered securement voluntarily.

Securement Procedures:

Mr. Wish has grown quite attached to the presidential suite here as it is befitting his noble status.

Icône de Coûts de Transfert EternalandTransfert Eternaland
Icône de Point Limite de Transfert NevValeur en Sable Astral
Icône de Prix de VentePrix de Vente
Non Vendable
Icône de Nom du Type d'ObjetNom du Type d'Objet
Icône de Réparation PossiblePeut être Réparé
Icône de QualitéQualité

Conseils & Astuces

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