Chefossauro Rex | Mutações | Once Human
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Once Human Chefossauro Rex Icon

Chefossauro Rex

Trabalha no Território para ajudar a produzir comida.


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culinary genius icon
culinary genius
Increases your cooking proficiency. The higher the Deviant Energy level, the greater the proficiency increase.
Cooking Event Buff Increase

Location Guide - Manibus

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Deviation O-011 is a green dragon stuffed toy that possesses sapience and an autonomous will. Measuring 3 meters tall and weighing 6 kilograms, it bears a close resemblance to O-012. Its outer fabric is knitted cotton, and its stuffing of an unknown material. It is very soft to the touch.

O-011 claims to be a 28-year-old male, and demonstrates lucid awareness of its current state of existence as a stuffed toy. It can speak, read, and write in English, German, French, and Spanish. In most cases, O-011 is friendly to humans, especially juveniles between the ages of 3 and 14, and will pro-actively approach and play with them, as well as help them in any way it can.

O-011's primary Deviation Trait is an anomalous space that is revealed when it opens the zipper stretching the length of its belly. From this zipper, O-011 can retrieve or store almost any object that does not exceed the size of its opening. Where the objects inside the zipper are actually located is unknown.

The results of a survey of O-011's internals, conducted with its consent, showed that it is a pocket space with walls of white knitted cotton that demonstrates almost limitless ductility. A probe managed to venture kilometers into the pocket space without encountering any boundary or exit, nor any other objects. An attempted probe of O-011's internals while it retrieved or stored an object from its zipper failed to produce any results, as when O-011 placed a front limb into the zipper, the researchers instantly lost all contact with the probe, whose wires and cables were neatly severed by unknown means. It is noted that O-011 had previously expressed its opposition to this experiment, warning the researchers of the dangers involved.

O-011 also possesses an evocation-type Deviation Trait that enables it to breathe fire from its jaws, with temperatures reaching 1,400°C. However, this fire does not affect O-011 itself. Although O-011 has indicated that it does not require food or water, it needs to ingest candy to maintain its fire-breathing ability, the reason being that it "let [its] little sister have ."

O-011 has a pleasant personality and is happy to fulfill most requests, such as retrieving specific objects from its zipper, playing games, preparing meals, or anything else befitting its physical structure and abilities. In particular, it has been noted that O-011 possesses excellent culinary skills. If presented with an unreasonable or impossible request, the entity will apologize and politely request to "play a different game."

Securement Procedures:
Secure O-011 in a Grade III securement suite for autonomous entities, which should be equipped with a thermal insulation coating and a heat detector.
Provide O-011 with any books or audiovisual materials that it requests.

Interfere with O-011 while it is retrieving or storing objects.

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