Emissário da Borboleta - Noite Estrelada | Mutações | Once Human
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Once Human Emissário da Borboleta - Noite Estrelada Icon

Emissário da Borboleta - Noite Estrelada

Uma Mutação com um visual único


Praise the Moon - Starry Night - Información de la Variante

Efecto: The appearance of the Deviation has changed. When synced, you deal 6% more damage (both Weapon DMG and Status DMG) at night. Effect is reduced by half during the day.
Calidad: 3 (Praise the Moon - Starry Night)
Rareza: 1

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 1)

Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Marks the enemy's weakspot upon hit and causes it to take +15% extra Weakspot DMG for 5s.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 2)

Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Marks the enemy's weakspot upon hit and causes it to take +20% extra Weakspot DMG for 5s.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 3)

Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Marks the enemy's weakspot upon hit and causes it to take +25% extra Weakspot DMG for 5s.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 4)

Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Marks the enemy's weakspot upon hit and causes it to take +30% extra Weakspot DMG for 5s.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 5)

Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Marks the enemy's weakspot upon hit and causes it to take +35% extra Weakspot DMG for 5s.

Designated Target icon
Designated Target (Lvl 1)

Designate a target to attack with Butterfly's Emissary. Targets in the direction you are facing will be prioritized. If there are no targets in the direction you are facing, surrounding enemies will be targeted.

Location Guide - Manibus

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Entrada del cuaderno

Deviation O-001 is a collective entity of approximately red origami butterflies. Each individual butterfly is intricately folded from dyed washi paper with a thickness of 0.2 millimeters, and exhibits a wingspan of 280 to 300 millimeters. O-001 individuals demonstrate extraordinary physical resilience, have a stable surface temperature between 36.5°C and 37°C, and possess a distinctive rose-red fluorescence. Following Incident , O-001 was purportedly discovered on // at the abandoned Site -, marking the sole recorded instance in which the collective entity has been witnessed in its entirety.

O-001 individuals exhibit a degree of intelligence akin to a well-educated -year-old human, including capacities for comprehension and communication. However, they refrain from direct communication with humans for reasons yet unknown. Furthermore, O-001 has demonstrated an immense capacity for empathy, being capable of perceiving the emotions of nearby humans and responding through alterations in wing movement, flight trajectory, or luminosity. Notably, O-001 consistently displays friendliness toward humans, with no instances of hostile behavior yet recorded.

O-001's primary Deviation Trait manifests when humans in proximity face imminent danger. In such scenarios, O-001 will attempt to help the affected individuals escape danger, demonstrating an unexpectedly high level of environmental awareness in the process. Observed behaviors include:

· Warning humans of potential threats through wing movement and changes in luminosity.
· Guiding humans toward water sources or necessary supplies.
· Assisting lost humans and guiding them to their companions.
· Rapid self-replication to create a protective barricade around humans to shield them from potentially fatal harm.
· Circling and occasionally making contact with humans while emitting a bright rose-red glow.

It is pertinent to note that assistive actions by O-001 are prompted by empathic perception, and thus only trigger when it senses emotional distress from a human. Individuals suffering from sensory deprivation or mental disorders are incapable of eliciting the entity's help. This has potential applications in emotional therapy and psychological research, and relevant experiments are being conducted to assess O-001's value in these areas.

Securement Procedures:
*Treat your butterfly well, as it will respond in kind.*
*Provide sugar water if your butterfly exhibits signs of fatigue.*

*Express frustration or hostility toward your butterfly.*

Icono de Costos de Transferencia de EternalandTransferencia de Eternaland
No Transferible
Icono de Punto Límite de Transferencia NevValor de Arena Astral
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Icono de Nombre del Tipo de ObjetoNombre del Tipo de Objeto
Icono de Puede RepararsePuede Repararse
Icono de CalidadCalidad

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