Donzela da neve | Mutações | Once Human
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Once Human Donzela da neve Icon

Donzela da neve

Donzela da Neve


Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 1)

Generate Ice Crystals near the target every 3 seconds. Ice Crystals shatter when shot, dealing 37.5% Frost DMG to nearby targets, and causing them to take +18% Frost DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 2)

Generate Ice Crystals near the target every 3 seconds. Ice Crystals shatter when shot, dealing 50% Frost DMG to nearby targets, and causing them to take +24% Frost DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 3)

Generate Ice Crystals near the target every 3 seconds. Ice Crystals shatter when shot, dealing 62.5% Frost DMG to nearby targets, and causing them to take +30% Frost DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 4)

Generate Ice Crystals near the target every 3 seconds. Ice Crystals shatter when shot, dealing 75% Frost DMG to nearby targets, and causing them to take +36% Frost DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 5)

Generate Ice Crystals near the target every 3 seconds. Ice Crystals shatter when shot, dealing 87.5% Frost DMG to nearby targets, and causing them to take +42% Frost DMG.

Designated Target icon
Designated Target (Lvl 1)

Snowsprite prioritizes targeting enemies in the direction you are facing. If there are no targets in that direction, it will target a nearby enemy instead.

Location Guide - Way of Winter

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Entrada del cuaderno

O-054 is an abstractly shaped mask made from spruce wood, carved with simple eye holes and decorated with two antlers on the forehead. Radiocarbon dating estimates that the oldest O-054 unit is approximately years old. The surface of O-054 is unnaturally cold and exhibits extremely high physical durability.

The main Deviation trait of O-054 is its thermodynamic anomaly, which manifests when worn by a human female from the region, under the age of (hereafter referred to as O-054-A).

When O-054 is worn, a wide-area cold field is generated around O-054-A. This field can expand from a 30-meter radius to as large as 1,800 kilometers in radius, with a height range of 18-55 kilometers. The temperature within this field fluctuates based on O-054-A's emotions, with an average temperature of -34°C and a minimum of -70°C.

O-054-A has limited control over the water and atmosphere within the cold field, allowing it to generate freezing rain, strong winds, hail, and snowfall. Although the snow created by O-054-A has no deviated physical properties, any living creature or sentient Deviation that comes into contact with it will experience a significant reduction in cognitive function and activity levels, and any deviated effects will be suppressed.

There is a transcendent connection between O-054 and O-054-A, as there can only be one O-054-A at any given time for each O-054 mask. If anyone else wears O-054, they will experience nothing more than a sensation of extreme cold on their face and a faint breath on the back of their neck.

All O-054-A units refer to themselves as the conceptual embodiment of "Winter" and speak to researchers in a tone reminiscent of a cult shaman. They claim their mission is to "bury that which should have passed but hasn't." Most O-054-A units remain coldly cooperative with researchers.

As time spent wearing O-054 increases, O-054-A gradually transforms into a transparent humanoid figure made of ice and supercooled condensation, covered in soft white fur.

The transformation begins with the skeleton and heart and then slowly extends outward. This process does not affect O-054-A's normal biological functions, nor does it cause pain or discomfort. As the transformation progresses, O-054-A loses the desire and need for food and water, their body temperature drops, and they become insensitive to external temperatures; meanwhile, they develop symptoms of alexithymia.

In the final stages of the process, O-054-A loses interest in everything and ceases independent activity, retreating into a meditative, self-isolating state unless guided by researchers. Eventually, O-054-A is fully transformed into a statue of ice, losing all characteristics of living organisms and severing its connection to O-054. The mask then quickly disintegrates into loose snow and sublimates, which is classified as a Grade II securement breach event.

Securement Procedures:
O-054 should be housed in a Grade III or higher autonomous entity securement chamber, with the temperature kept below 0°C.
Guide O-054-A to engage in 2-3 hours of outdoor activity daily, in intervals of at least 10 minutes. Guidance should be gentle and encouraging.

Bring heat sources into the O-054 securement area.
Force O-054 to do anything against its will, as this could result in severe personnel casualties and environmental damage.

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Icono de Punto Límite de Transferencia NevValor de Arena Astral
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