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Icono | Habilidad | Tipo | Humor | Descripción |
![]() | Bullet Absorption (Lvl 1) | Combat | 100/100 | Absorbs bullets within a certain radius and automatically reloads the current weapon's magazine from available reserves. |
![]() | Designated Target (Lvl 1) | Combat | 100/100 | Designate a target to be buffed by the Mini Wonder. Can only target allied targets. |
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Deviation O-040 can be understood to be a miniature black hole. In appearance, it is a black orb with a diameter of about 60 centimeters that does not emit or reflect any light whatsoever. Its mass is difficult to calculate.
O-040 features two gold-colored structures at its surface. The first structure (designated O-040-A) is a sparsely diffused ring along O-040's equator, with a structure and movement patterns similar to that of a black hole's accretion disk, albeit being much smaller in size than theoretically expected. The second structure (designated O-040-B) is orthogonal to O-040-A, and exists as a dense crystal that contains faintly visible linear flows. O-040-A and O-040-B cannot be physically contacted through conventional means, and cannot cause or be affected by any physical or chemical effects.
The primary Deviation Trait associated with O-040 is its effect on gravity and space.
It is currently assumed that O-040 is somehow "encapsulated" within an extra dimension or pocket of space. Apart from a weak gravitational effect, O-040 exerts almost no influence on its environment, and measurements show that it has a mass of just 4.2 kilograms.
Any inanimate object, no matter its mass or volume, that contacts or passes through O-040's surface will be pulled towards the center of its orb by a powerful gravitational force. The object will be subject to continuous laceration, crushing, and mangling until it disappears completely into the orb. This process produces a large amount of heat and a dazzling light.
In contrast, a living organism that comes into contact with O-040 will not be harmed by its gravitational effects. A small minority of subjects (about 13%, designated "Class I") report the sensation of touching an object "without temperature or weight," as well as resistance upon trying to move the object, as if "trying to move a lead ball suspended in the air." However, the limbs of a majority of subjects (about 87%, designated "Class II") will pass directly through O-040 as if it were an illusion or projection.
It should be noted that any inanimate objects on the subject's body, such as tools, clothes, or jewelry, will be affected by O-040's anomalous effects, and may thus cause serious harm to the subject when they come into contact with O-040.
Experiment Log O-40-A-029, Date //:
Researcher (male, previously confirmed Class II subject) attempted to place his hand into O-040, following which he reported feeling an "unknown metal object with complex etchings and multiple dials" (designated O-040-C). Researcher (male) was instructed to retrieve the object, but was unable to as the object was fixed inside O-040. During this process, he accidentally moved a dial by several gradations. Subsequently, Researcher (male) was granted V6 clearance and made to sign a lifetime confidentiality agreement.
Incident Log O-040-D-057, Date //:
The director of Site and the supervisor (male) of the "Cave" project undertook Experiment O-040-A-057, and began to rotate O-040-C according to a predetermined plan. After several minutes, all contact with Site was lost, and personnel went missing.
Securement Procedures:
Secure O-040 in a cube-shaped securement cell measuring at least 15 meters on each side. The cell's eight corners should be installed with gravity-beam stabilizers, used to stabilize O-040 in the center of the cell.
Assign only on-site personnel who have signed the Deathblow protocol (for the list of personnel, see Appendix O-040-G-002) to service O-040's securement cell. Personnel should wear disposable protective clothing made of biomass colloid when entering the cell.
Approve any further contact experiments with O-040.
Información | Valor |
![]() | 400 |
![]() | 500 |
![]() | No Vendible |
![]() | Deviations |
![]() | No |
![]() | 0 |
Toque do Artesão
Isqueiro Atômico
Caracol Atômico
Dragão Azure
Emissário da borboleta
Emissário da Borboleta – Azul Reluzente
Emissário da Borboleta - Noite Estrelada
Abelha Agitada
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Ao vento
Crânio Canino
Dado do caos
Chefossauro Rex
Globo de discoteca
Dr. Teddy
Apanhador de Sonhos
Enguia elétrica
Vazio Hipnotizante
Gato Extradimensional
Gato extradimensional - Preto Sobre Branco
Gato extradimensional - Leopardo Dourado
Gato extradimensional - Ouro Sobre Prata
Gato extradimensional - Boa Fortuna
Gato extradimensional - Cetim Cinza
Gato extradimensional - Tartaruga-de-pente
Gato extradimensional - Gengibre Pesado
Gato extradimensional - Jade Maciço
Gato extradimensional - Diamante Lunar
Gato extradimensional - Tigre Prateado
Gato extradimensional - Neve Ouro