Sol Eterno | Mutações | Once Human
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Once Human Sol Eterno Icon

Sol Eterno

Estrela Flamejante


Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 1)

Explodes every 3 seconds, dealing 37.5% Blaze DMG to nearby targets, with a 15% chance of inflicting Burn. Whenever a nearby target is inflicted with Burn, Invincible Sun gains 1 stack of Burn. Each stack of Burn increases Invincible Sun's DMG by 5%, up to 1 stacks. The target hit takes +15% Blaze DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 2)

Explodes every 3 seconds, dealing 50% Blaze DMG to nearby targets, with a 15% chance of inflicting Burn. Whenever a nearby target is inflicted with Burn, Invincible Sun gains 1 stack of Burn. Each stack of Burn increases Invincible Sun's DMG by 5%, up to 1 stacks. The target hit takes +20% Blaze DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 3)

Explodes every 3 seconds, dealing 62.5% Blaze DMG to nearby targets, with a 15% chance of inflicting Burn. Whenever a nearby target is inflicted with Burn, Invincible Sun gains 1 stack of Burn. Each stack of Burn increases Invincible Sun's DMG by 5%, up to 1 stacks. The target hit takes +25% Blaze DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 4)

Explodes every 3 seconds, dealing 75% Blaze DMG to nearby targets, with a 15% chance of inflicting Burn. Whenever a nearby target is inflicted with Burn, Invincible Sun gains 1 stack of Burn. Each stack of Burn increases Invincible Sun's DMG by 5%, up to 1 stacks. The target hit takes +30% Blaze DMG.

Auto Attack icon
Auto Attack (Lvl 5)

Explodes every 3 seconds, dealing 87.5% Blaze DMG to nearby targets, with a 15% chance of inflicting Burn. Whenever a nearby target is inflicted with Burn, Invincible Sun gains 1 stack of Burn. Each stack of Burn increases Invincible Sun's DMG by 5%, up to 1 stacks. The target hit takes +35% Blaze DMG.

Designated Target icon
Designated Target (Lvl 1)

Invincible Sun prioritizes targeting enemies in the direction you are facing. If there are no targets in that direction, it will target a nearby enemy instead.

Location Guide - Way of Winter

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Entrada del cuaderno

Deviation O-050 is a star compressed to the size of an apple (designated O-050-A), surrounded by two perpendicular Dyson ring structures (designated O-050-B).

We have reasons to believe that O-050 is somehow "sealed" within a separate dimension or enclosed space. Apart from weak gravitational and thermal radiation, O-050 exerts almost no influence on the outside. Measurements indicate its total mass is only about 40.6 kg.

O-050 is an anti-entropic space-time Deviation: it completes an entire stellar life cycle in 73 hours and 48 minutes, culminating in a supernova at the 70-hour mark, at which point it releases a massive explosion.

The explosion releases up to joules of energy within milliseconds, generating an electromagnetic pulse with photon energies of MeV and a peak irradiance of W/m². Nearly all of its mass is ejected at speeds approaching one-tenth the speed of light.

Before the explosion, O-050-B begins to rotate rapidly, causing the internal space to expand, in an attempt to contain as much matter and energy as possible. The resulting cloud of gas and dust collapses inward after about 120 minutes, initiating a thermonuclear reaction at its core to form a new O-050-A star, thus continuing the cycle.

Staring directly at O-050 for more than a minute, or lingering near it for over 30 minutes, induces an intense "sun worship" for O-050 and other stars, along with an inexplicable understanding of ritualistic procedures (see Appendix 01). Each ritual requires multiple participants, culminating in the selection of a special individual (designated O-050-C).

If any ritual is correctly performed within a life cycle, O-050 enters an inert state, and O-050-C gains limited control over its radiation emissions for the remainder of the cycle (each ritual has the same effect).

If no ritual is completed within the cycle, O-050 will breach securement: O-050-B will not reach the required rotation speed before O-050-A explodes, causing its internal space to fail at fully containing the released matter and energy. The resulting high-energy electromagnetic radiation and shockwaves will cause catastrophic damage to the surrounding environment.

The most recent recorded breach resulted in an explosion equivalent to megatons of TNT, dispersing about 0.0014% of O-050-A's mass. The blast destroyed almost all surface structures within square kilometers.

Appendix 01: Known Securement Rituals for O-050

Ritual 01 - "The Philosopher"
Requires at least 3 participants.
In an enclosed space no larger than 16 cubic meters, participants must engage in a heated debate on topics such as philosophy, aesthetics, or natural science. The debate ends with all participants bowing to the winner, who becomes O-050-C.

Ritual 02 - "Sunset"
Requires at least 7 participants.
O-050 is placed in a light-proof container made of at least 2 feet of platinum or gold, then submerged at least 16 meters underwater. Participants gather around it in a semi-circle and whisper a secret known only to themselves, keeping their voices under 20 decibels. The ritual ends when O-050 reaches the bottom and becomes still and all participants stop talking. Then one participant is randomly chosen as O-050-C.

Ritual 03 - "The Feast"
[No Permission]

Securement Notes:
O-050 must be secured in an extreme thermodynamic securement chamber of at least Grade V. Gravitational stabilization devices are installed at the eight top corners of the chamber to keep O-050 centered within the securement area.
Execute one securement ritual every 24 hours (see Appendix 01). Select from a list (01-04) based on available personnel (default to Ritual 01). Each ritual should last at least 50 minutes.
If participants experience hallucinations or recognize symbols resembling those in O-050-I-01, they must report to the nearest V5-level supervisor for securement.
All selected O-050-C individuals will undergo Grade C memory erasure and receive three days of paid leave.

Wear psychic barriers during the securement ritual.

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Icono de Punto Límite de Transferencia NevValor de Arena Astral
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