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Once Human Dr. Teddy Icon

Dr. Teddy

Pode participar de combate. Irá curar ou resgatar Metas caídos.


Intime Healing icon
Intime Healing (Lvl 1)

While focusing, it will proactively revive fallen players, and heal nearby damaged players periodically, recovering 7% Max HP each time.

Intime Healing icon
Intime Healing (Lvl 2)

While focusing, it will proactively revive fallen players, and heal nearby damaged players periodically, recovering 8% Max HP each time.

Intime Healing icon
Intime Healing (Lvl 3)

While focusing, it will proactively revive fallen players, and heal nearby damaged players periodically, recovering 9% Max HP each time.

Intime Healing icon
Intime Healing (Lvl 4)

While focusing, it will proactively revive fallen players, and heal nearby damaged players periodically, recovering 10% Max HP each time.

Intime Healing icon
Intime Healing (Lvl 5)

While focusing, it will proactively revive fallen players, and heal nearby damaged players periodically, recovering 11% Max HP each time.

Remote Healing icon
Remote Healing (Lvl 1)

Takes effect after the player takes control and throws. When it hits, recover 50% of the target's Max HP. If the target has fallen, revive them immediately. After landing on a target, it will continue to recover and focus on the player.

Remote Healing icon
Remote Healing (Lvl 2)

Takes effect after the player takes control and throws. When it hits, recover 50% of the target's Max HP. If the target has fallen, revive them immediately. After landing on a target, it will continue to recover and focus on the player.

Remote Healing icon
Remote Healing (Lvl 3)

Takes effect after the player takes control and throws. When it hits, recover 50% of the target's Max HP. If the target has fallen, revive them immediately. After landing on a target, it will continue to recover and focus on the player.

Remote Healing icon
Remote Healing (Lvl 4)

Takes effect after the player takes control and throws. When it hits, recover 50% of the target's Max HP. If the target has fallen, revive them immediately. After landing on a target, it will continue to recover and focus on the player.

Remote Healing icon
Remote Healing (Lvl 5)

Takes effect after the player takes control and throws. When it hits, recover 50% of the target's Max HP. If the target has fallen, revive them immediately. After landing on a target, it will continue to recover and focus on the player.

Location Guide - Manibus

Visit the creator's channel for more Once Human guides and content

Location Guide - Way of Winter

Visit the creator's channel for more Once Human guides and content

Entrada del cuaderno

Deviation O-014 is a crochet teddy bear made of coarse yarn, approximately 1.3 meters tall, with cotton stuffing.

Deviation O-014 declares itself to be a 36-year-old male human doctor named "Dr. Bell". It speaks English fluently and appears capable of complex thought. Deviation O-014 does not acknowledge the fact that it is not human, believes itself to be perpetually working in the ER of a hospital, and interprets all other sentient beings as either patients or medical colleagues.

Deviation O-014's head can be opened horizontally, revealing an internal compartment with a volume of approximately 600 liters, which the Deviation maintains at a constant temperature of 0-4°C. This compartment, which O-014 describes as its "medkit", is stocked with a variety of medications and medical equipment. Supplies depleted for any reason are replenished by the next morning.

Deviation O-014 actively seeks out injured or ill humans to treat. The Deviation has an impressive grasp of modern medicine and human physiology and can perform surgeries at the level of an experienced human physician.

Deviation O-014's primary trait is its ability to create objects, apparently from nothing. When conventional treatments fail, the Deviation enters a state of hysteria, throwing open its head and searching frantically for the needed medication. At these times, the Deviation may retrieve a large vial of unlabeled fluid (classified as O-014-A) and administer it intravenously to the patient.

After receiving the injection, the patient's and vitals improve rapidly in nearly all circumstances. This injection has been found to cure infections, heal flesh wounds, and regenerate various kinds of lost tissue. Only in a small number of very severe cases (generally involving the complete loss/failure of a vital organ) has this injection proved unable to save the patient.

O-014-A is cherry-pink and reacts with the air to produce a bright green mist. Chemical analysis indicates that its main component is the beverage Dr. , with traces of glucose and sodium chloride. Deviation O-014 believes O-014-A to be an unverified, illegal drug. After the patient recovers, the Deviation will adamantly deny having administered the drug and will try to avoid discussing the topic. After repeated questioning, the Deviation grudgingly admitted that it does not understand how O-014-A works, or what it contains.

Securement Procedures:
Deviation O-014 should be secured in a Level III securement suite.
Provide the Deviation with medical literature on a biweekly basis.
As per the "Stitch" protocol, medical facility should be set up next to Deviation O-014's securement suite.
Do Not:
Attempt to interrupt Deviation O-014 when it is treating a patient, or attempt to remove O-014-A from its "medkit".

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Icono de Punto Límite de Transferencia NevValor de Arena Astral
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