Tecido Genético Extremo | Materiais | Once Human
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Once Human Tecido Genético Extremo Icon

Tecido Genético Extremo

The gear being crafted gains the following effects: Weakspot DMG Reduction +3%. If this gear is a Top, it gains a bonus effect: When the Coherence status is terminated, gain invincibility, but Weapon DMG, Status DMG, and Tactical Item DMG drop to 0 for 2s.

Método de Desbloqueo: Fabrique na Bancada de suprimentos avançada

Calculadora de Creación

Número de Objetos a Crear


Icono de Costos de Transferencia de EternalandTransferencia de Eternaland
No Transferible
Icono de Punto Límite de Transferencia NevValor de Arena Astral
No Vendible
Icono de Precio de VendedorPrecio de Vendedor
No Vendible
Icono de PesoPeso
Icono de Nombre del Tipo de ObjetoNombre del Tipo de Objeto
Icono de Puede RepararsePuede Repararse
Icono de CalidadCalidad

Tecido Genético Extremo

Tecido Genético Extremo

Weight: 0.1Stack Size: 10000

Dropped By: Fabricação

This material is craftable. Check the crafting calculator below for details.


Weakspot DMG Reduction +3%


Weakspot DMG Reduction +3%

JacketJacketBrief Invulnerability

Weakspot DMG Reduction +3%. When the Coherence status ends, gain invincibility, but Weapon DMG, Status DMG, and Tactical Item DMG drop to 0 for 2s.


Weakspot DMG Reduction +3%


Weakspot DMG Reduction +3%


Weakspot DMG Reduction +3%

Animal Overview Map (Manibus & Evolutions's Area)

Simple animal overview and spawn map by boo_radlyxx.

Map Icon

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