Valley Cowhide | Materiais | Once Human
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Once Human Valley Cowhide Icon

Valley Cowhide

Cowhides are tough and durable in texture, with a smooth surface and slight graininess. Thick and elastic, cowhides can feel solid with a certain roughness to the touch.

Método de Desbloqueo: Caçar animais


Icono de Costos de Transferencia de EternalandTransferencia de Eternaland
Icono de Punto Límite de Transferencia NevValor de Arena Astral
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Valley Cowhide

Valley Cowhide

Weight: 0.1Stack Size: 1000

Dropped By: Buffalo


Upon taking Crit DMG, recover 15% HP. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

MaskMaskStamina ↑

Recover 30 Stamina when Stamina falls below 30. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

JacketJacketHigh Temp ↑

Heat Resist and Burn Resist +10 plus an additional +5 while Dampened. Max Load +20.

PantsPantsHigh Temp ↑

Heat Resist and Burn Resist +10 plus an additional +5 while Dampened. Max Load +20.

GlovesGlovesRendimento ↑

Grain yield +15%.

ShoesShoesStamina ↑

Stamina Recovery Speed +20%.

Location Guides - Way of Winter

Guides by @WombatGaming

The guides will start at the correct timestamp.

Animal Overview Map (Manibus & Evolutions's Area)

Simple animal overview and spawn map by boo_radlyxx.

Map Icon

Animal Taming Information

Some animals have a rare chance of dropping special skins when hunted, but sometimes you need to tame them to get these unique skins. Once tamed, if you're lucky, the animal might have a trait that lets it produce that type of skin.

Check out this comprehensive taming guide by Brewster.

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