Stat Command | ARK: Survival Ascended
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Stat Command

Here you can find all information about the Stat command. You can see how to use it, what parameters to add, what the command does and use our command generator to create a ready to use command for ARK: Survival Ascendend or ARK: Survival Evolved.

Command Breakdown

Enables an on-screen display showing various debug information. Only the standalone stat commands from UE3/UE4 are available - the multi stat output table has been disabled. Prefix all stat commands with the "stat" command (example: "stat fps" to show fps.) Enter the same stat command to disable showing it. <table class="wikitable"> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td>FPS</td><td>Displays the current number of frames being rendered per second and the amount of time taken to render the frame in milliseconds (ms).</td></tr> <tr><td>Levels</td><td>Displays a list of currently active levels and displays their status through color coding. Streaming levels are grouped under the persistent level. The number of seconds next to the level name is the time it took from load request to load finish.</td></tr> <tr><td>Unit</td><td>Displays the time spent for the current frame on the CPU, the time spent in the game thread, the time spent in the render thread, and the time spent for the current frame on the GPU. The GPU frame time is only displayed if the time spent is greater than 0 (e.g. the GPU is actually being used / does exist).</td></tr> <tr><td>UnitGraph</td><td>Normally graphs the information in the "stat unit" command in UE4 games, but the graph is apparently also disabled. Color codes the labels in the "stat unit" command output.</td></tr> </table>


  • Command (String): See below.

Command Information

Below you can find all generic information about the Stat command.

  • Cheat:
  • Console Compatible:
  • Target: Not specified
  • Version: 0.0 (UE2)

Command Generator

Usa este generador para crear el comando con tus parámetros deseados. Una vez terminado, presiona el botón de copiar y pégalo en la consola de ARK.

Usage Examples

Ejemplos de uso sobre cómo usar el comando.


Así es como puedes abrir la consola para escribir los comandos y ejecutarlos.

  • 1. TAB | Presiona la tecla TAB en tu teclado.

  • 2. ENTER | Introduce un comando en la consola y presiona la tecla ENTER en tu teclado.

  • 3. MULTIPLAYER | En servidores multijugador, algunos comandos (principalmente trucos) requieren autenticación con el comando enablecheats y deben ir precedidos de cheat o admincheat. Esto no es necesario en un solo jugador.