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Атомная зажигалка

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Tactical Item: Uncontrollable Fusion Lighter icon
Tactical Item: Uncontrollable Fusion Lighter
Randomly deals varying instances of damage. Grants extra loot upon killing monsters.

Location Guide - Manibus

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Запись в блокноте

Deviation O-019 is a silver lighter that is significantly larger than other similar products in the same series. The lower part of the casing features a yellow and black nuclear radiation warning sign. The Deviation can be disassembled and repaired with no issue, but all of its individual components appear to have Deviated properties.

Deviation O-019's main trait relates to the intense flame it produces. Experimental records from site indicate that 3 minutes after ignition, the Deviation's outer shell becomes too hot to handle without special equipment. After 45 minutes, heat-resistant metal clamps begin to melt, and after 60 minutes, the Deviation triggered a violent explosion, seriously damaging a Level IV thermodynamics lab and site . High levels of radiation residue were detected at the scene.

Deviation O-019 is filled with heavy water, and its "wick" is a blend of an unidentified high-density metal, mineral fibers, and cotton. The Deviation itself does not appear to burn fuel when lit, and it does not seem to sustain any kind of damage when exposed to extremely high temperatures. However, the mass of the "wick" appears to increase as the temperature rises. Experiments have determined that the Deviation's rate of temperature increase, the critical explosion temperature, and the explosive yield all correlate positively with the mass of the "wick," which is now times its original size when initially secured. Further experimentation has been declared a safety risk, and is suspended indefinitely.

Securement Procedures:
Secure Deviation O-018 should be secured in a maximum security thermodynamic securement chamber located at least 500m underground, with the chamber lined with at least 38cm of lead padding. The chamber should be equipped with a full on-site fire extinguishing system, emergency cooldown system, and must be able to be operated remotely.
Do Not:
Enter Deviation O-019's securement area for any reason except a securement breach. Securement maintenance should be conducted remotely. In case of emergency, staff must equip a Level VI isolation suit before entering the Deviation's securement chamber.

Значок стоимости переноса EternalandПеренос Eternaland
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