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Иконка | Навык | Тип | Настроение | Описание |
Food: Homemade Noodles | Crafting | 100/100 | Restores Sanity to full upon consumption. |
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Deviation O-018 is a coarse white porcelain bowl around 20cm in diameter. An abstract brushstroke depiction of a running white-feathered chicken adorns the outside of the bowl. The Deviation's material composition is no different from ordinary ceramics.
Deviation O-018's primary trait is its ability to influence human beings' mental states through taste. If the Deviation is left unused for over 8 hours on a flat surface, a clear liquid closely resembling chicken broth will gently flow from the bottom of the bowl until it is full. Tests have shown that the soup's main components are water, fat, salt, and a variety of unknown amino acids.
Deviation O-018's chicken soup presents a complex flavor profile, with subtle notes of seafood and dairy. Any food submerged in the soup, any recipe made with the soup as an ingredient (hereafter referred to as O-018-1), will become extremely delicious, regardless of the food's quality or the culinary skill of the chef. Even highly unconventional cooking methods or combinations of ingredients, including concoctions that would typically be considered inedible, have been described as "yummy" and "enticing" by taste testers.
O-018-1 recipes are extremely filling, and bestow a strong, lasting sense of satisfaction upon the subject consuming them. Subjects are also more optimistic and open to others' suggestions, with a significant increase in brain dopamine levels. Prolonged consumption of O-018-1 may lead to a mild decline in intelligence and capacity for logical reasoning. This effect seems to gradually wear off after around 3 months.
Securement Procedures:
Deviation O-018 should be secured in a chemical hazard chamber of level II or higher.
Do Not:
Under no circumstances should other food or liquids be brought into Deviation O-018's securement room.
Информация | Значение |
Перенос Eternaland | 400 |
Ценность астрального песка | 500 |
Цена продавца | Не продается |
Название типа предмета | Deviations |
Можно отремонтировать | Нет |
Качество | 0 |
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