Послушный зайчик — Алиса | Иные создания | Once Human

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Once Human Послушный зайчик — Алиса Icon

Послушный зайчик — Алиса

Иной с уникальным обликом


Woodland Spirit - Alice - Информация о варианте

Эффект: The appearance of the Deviation has changed. When exploring, it has a 10% chance to bring back Acid.
Качество: 3 (Woodland Spirit - Alice)
Редкость: 1

Collect from bushes icon
Collect from bushes
Automatically gathers shrubs when activated. The higher the Deviant Energy level, the more efficient the gathering is.

Location Guide - Manibus

Visit the creator's channel for more Once Human guides and content

Запись в блокноте

Deviation O-016 is a rabbit doll sewn from coarse cloth, around 30cm tall, with cotton stuffing.

Deviation O-016 can move independently and mimic human behaviors but lacks logical reasoning, making normal communication impossible. The Deviation is generally friendly towards humans.

The Deviation's main trait is its ability to induce a "doorway effect" in humans. Deviation O-016 is able to influence an area of about 10 square meters around itself. Space portals 40-60cm in diameter (classified as O-016-A, "Rabbit Holes") will appear on solid surfaces within this range. These Rabbit Holes appear and disappear at random and leave no residual effects when they close.

A second Deviation O-016 individual will often appear inside each Rabbit Hole. Deviation O-016 seems to come in a number of varieties, with variations in fabric texture, density of stitching, and button positioning. Individuals are friendly towards each other.

When three or more individuals gather in one location, they play together with apparent joy, often engaging in role-playing games akin to "playing house". They form a large family group, with each member assuming the role of "breadwinner", foraging for edible plants including sprouts and berries and mushrooms. After amassing the food, the "breadwinner" will perform symbolic/ritualistic "cooking" activities, ending the game with a cheerful dance around the large pile of food before each individual departs through its own Rabbit Hole.

Deviation O-016 does not require food, water, or sleep, suggesting that such games are purely for social/recreational purposes.

Securement Procedures:
Deviation O-016 should be secured in a standard securement area of at least 50 square meters, with a 10 square meter section in the center roped off as a play area.
Do Not:
House any other Deviation within a 200-meter radius of Deviation O-016's securement facility.
Secure Deviation O-016 with Deviations rated Level 3 which can also manipulate physical space.

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