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Иконка | Навык | Тип | Настроение | Описание |
Auto Attack (Lvl 1) | Combat | 100/100 | Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Increases target Blaze DMG received by 14.7%. When attacking targets affected by Burn, cause Explosion 1 time. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 2) | Combat | 100/100 | Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Increases target Blaze DMG received by 19.6%. When attacking targets affected by Burn, cause Explosion 1 time. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 3) | Combat | 100/100 | Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Increases target Blaze DMG received by 24.5%. When attacking targets affected by Burn, cause Explosion 1 time. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 4) | Combat | 100/100 | Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Increases target Blaze DMG received by 29.4%. When attacking targets affected by Burn, cause Explosion 1 time. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 5) | Combat | 100/100 | Autonomously attacks enemy targets. Increases target Blaze DMG received by 34.3%. When attacking targets affected by Burn, cause Explosion 1 time. | |
Designated Target (Lvl 1) | Combat | 100/100 | Designate a target to attack with Pyro Dino. Targets in the direction you are facing will be prioritized. If there are no targets in the direction you are facing, surrounding enemies will be targeted. |
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Deviation O-012 is a red dragon stuffed toy that possesses sapience and an autonomous will. Measuring 3 meters tall and weighing 6 kilograms, it bears a close resemblance to O-011. Its outer fabric is knitted cotton, and its stuffing is of an unknown material. It is very soft to the touch.
O-012 claims to be a 13-year-old female, and demonstrates lucid awareness of its current state of existence as a stuffed toy, in addition to an insatiable curiosity regarding the wider world. It can speak, read, and write in English, German, French, and Spanish. In most cases, O-012 is friendly to humans, especially juveniles between the ages of 3 and 14, and will pro-actively approach and play with them, as well as help them in any way it can.
A long zipper runs the length of O-012's belly. O-012 will resist any attempt to open the zipper, and demonstrate extreme hostility and aggression toward the culprit. Under such circumstances, O-012's physical strength will increase until it is capable of applying a force exceeding pounds. Consequently, any experiments involving the zipper are strictly prohibited.
O-012's primary Deviation Trait is an evocation-type ability that allows it to breathe fire from its jaws, with temperatures exceeding 1,700°C and going up to depending on O-012's emotional state. O-012 itself is not affected by the flames it produces.
Although O-012 is capable of ingesting food, and has expressed a liking for candy, it has stated that it does not actually require any external sources of nourishment or energy to maintain its bodily functions and Deviation Trait. This statement is consistent with all observations of O-012 made so far.
O-012 is impulsive and evinces poor self-control, as well as high levels of aggression. It often seeks to cheer up its playmates, protect them from danger, or avenge any unfair treatment against them, but prefers to attack, immolate, and destroy other objects to achieve these goals. Furthermore, it exhibits a marked delight and satisfaction in doing so. Owing to its volatile character, O-012 must be kept under strict supervision to prevent large-scale fires and property loss.
Securement Procedures:
Secure O-012 in a Grade III securement suite for autonomous entities. The suite's inner walls should be lined with a heat-resistant alloy with a thickness of at least 23 centimeters, and should be equipped with a heat detector and a fire suppression system with at least 1 tonne of liquid nitrogen.
Provide O-012 with toys and candy, and change its securement suite's decor at its request.
Assign personnel to play with O-012 two times per week. O-012 will decide what game to play.
Touch O-012's belly.
Express any interest in O-012's zipper or inner filling.
Информация | Значение |
Перенос Eternaland | 400 |
Ценность астрального песка | 500 |
Цена продавца | Не продается |
Название типа предмета | Deviations |
Можно отремонтировать | Нет |
Качество | 0 |
Штрих мастера
Атомная зажигалка
Ядерная улитка
Лазурный дракон
Эмиссар Бабочки
Эмиссар Бабочки — Искристый синий
Эмиссар Бабочки — Звездная ночь
Пчелка-жужжалка — фонарь-тыква
Дитя ветра
Собачий череп
Кости хаоса
Шефозавр Рекс
Доктор Михаил
Ловец снов
Электрический угорь
Манящая пустота
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