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Иконка | Навык | Тип | Настроение | Описание |
Auto Attack (Lvl 1) | Combat | 100/100 | Continuously deal Frost Status DMG to surrounding enemies and force them to move toward you. Increases Frost DMG received by surrounding targets by 13.5%. If Frost Vortexes are formed inside the radius, create additional Ice Spikes. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 2) | Combat | 100/100 | Continuously deal Frost Status DMG to surrounding enemies and force them to move toward you. Increases Frost DMG received by surrounding targets by 18%. If Frost Vortexes are formed inside the radius, create additional Ice Spikes. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 3) | Combat | 100/100 | Continuously deal Frost Status DMG to surrounding enemies and force them to move toward you. Increases Frost DMG received by surrounding targets by 22.5%. If Frost Vortexes are formed inside the radius, create additional Ice Spikes. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 4) | Combat | 100/100 | Continuously deal Frost Status DMG to surrounding enemies and force them to move toward you. Increases Frost DMG received by surrounding targets by 27%. If Frost Vortexes are formed inside the radius, create additional Ice Spikes. | |
Auto Attack (Lvl 5) | Combat | 100/100 | Continuously deal Frost Status DMG to surrounding enemies and force them to move toward you. Increases Frost DMG received by surrounding targets by 31.5%. If Frost Vortexes are formed inside the radius, create additional Ice Spikes. | |
Frostlash (Lvl 1) | Combat | 100/100 | Upon being thrown, it knocks back enemies nearby the target and forms a new fortification. |
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Deviation O-009 is an oversized carnivorous plankton species similar to those of the Cyaneidae family. Each individual is about 1.6m in length, with an umbrella-like body 40cm in diameter and weighing around 160g.
Deviation O-009 is composed of a cellular structure with multi-layered complex epithelial tissue and several gas-filled chambers within the mesoglea. These chambers are filled with a light mix of gases, mainly methane and ammonia. An individual can adjust the volume and density of these chambers and use its membrane and tentacles to control air currents to propel itself forwards.
Deviation O-009 is extremely active with a very fast metabolism. Its cells are in a constant state of rapid division and apoptosis, and any cell can differentiate and migrate. Deviation O-009 can heal itself by regenerating tissue, even if over 85% of its body is lost.
Deviation O-009's main trait is its effect on temperature. In order to fuel its own activity, the Deviation must continually draw significant amounts of heat energy from the surrounding air or any object it comes into contact with, causing objects/organisms to freeze solid. The Deviation uses this trait to hunt large prey, freezing and disrupting the cellular tissues of their targets. It then waits for the prey to thaw out and digests it using specialized tentacles.
The Deviation's cooling effect upon the environment is intensified while it is regenerating damaged flesh. If the Deviation is fatally wounded (e.g. if crushed or pulverized), the remaining tissues will spontaneously dissolve and rapidly break down into water and biomass. Cell tissue fragments exceeding % of the individual's total mass will then proliferate within the following 48 hours, differentiating into ephyrae, and then developing into at least 1 new, fully-formed individual. If a very large number of individuals are spawned, it can lead to significant environmental damage and property loss due to the sudden, extreme drop in temperature that will result.
Currently, specimens of Deviation O-009 are secured, with individuals secured in . The highest recorded lifespan is , suggesting that Deviation O-009 may have an indefinite lifespan in its natural state.
Securement Procedures:
Secure Deviation O-009 in a Level III hazardous organism securement chamber.
Personnel are to don extreme environment protection suits of at least Level III before entering Deviation O-009's securement chamber.
Dispose of any equipment and protective gear that has come into direct contact with the Deviation in a Level VI incinerator.
Do Not:
Interact with Deviation O-009 without taking appropriate safety precautions.
Attempt to take samples without authorization from a member of staff ranking V5 or higher.
Информация | Значение |
Перенос Eternaland | 400 |
Ценность астрального песка | 500 |
Цена продавца | Не продается |
Название типа предмета | Deviations |
Можно отремонтировать | Нет |
Качество | 0 |
Штрих мастера
Атомная зажигалка
Ядерная улитка
Лазурный дракон
Эмиссар Бабочки
Эмиссар Бабочки — Искристый синий
Эмиссар Бабочки — Звездная ночь
Пчелка-жужжалка — фонарь-тыква
Дитя ветра
Собачий череп
Кости хаоса
Шефозавр Рекс
Доктор Михаил
Ловец снов
Электрический угорь
Манящая пустота
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