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DefeatBoss Command

Here you can find all information about the DefeatBoss command. You can see how to use it, what parameters to add, what the command does and use our command generator to create a ready to use command for ARK: Survival Ascendend or ARK: Survival Evolved.

Command Breakdown

Unlock the given boss for the player matching the given ID. While the Tekgrams associated with the given boss are unlocked instantly, the extra levels unlocked by the ascensions won't be available until the player respawns or reconnects, and their implant won't be updated until they die (unlike the extra levels, reconnecting won't update it). Possible BossName values: GuardianOverseer (Overseer), Uberspider (Broodmother Lysrix), Megapithecus (Megapithecus), Dragon (Dragon), Manticore (Manticore), Rockwell (Rockwell), King Titan (King Titan), IceKaiju (Ice Titan), ForestKaiju (Forest Titan), DesertKaiju (Desert Titan), VrMainBoss (Corrupted Master Controller), Gen2Rockwell (Rockwell Prime). It is currently impossible to unlock the modded variants of these bosses, thus making it impossible to unlock the mod-specific Tekgrams such as the Tek Light, Tek Shield, etc., with that command.


  • PlayerId (Integer[32]): The ID of the player to unlock the boss (0 for local/single-player profile).
  • BossName (String): The name of the boss to unlock (see table below).
  • Difficulty (Integer[32]): The difficulty to unlock (0=Gamma, 1=Beta and 2=Alpha).

Command Information

Below you can find all generic information about the DefeatBoss command.

  • Cheat:
  • Console Compatible:
  • Target: Not specified
  • Version: 298.3

Command Generator

Используйте этот генератор для создания команды с желаемыми параметрами. После завершения нажмите кнопку копирования и вставьте ее в консоль в ARK.

Usage Examples

Примеры использования команды.


Вот как можно открыть консоль для ввода команд и их выполнения.

  • 1. TAB | Нажмите клавишу TAB на клавиатуре.

  • 2. ENTER | Введите команду в консоль и нажмите клавишу ENTER на клавиатуре.

  • 3. MULTIPLAYER | На мультиплеерных серверах некоторые команды (в основном читы) требуют аутентификации с помощью команды enablecheats и должны иметь префикс cheat или admincheat. В одиночной игре это не требуется.

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