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Once Human Rain Man Icon

Rain Man

Works inside the Territory. Can cause rainfall around him to help crops grow.


IconSkillTypeMoodDescriptionAffected Target
Hoping for a downpour icon
Hoping for a downpour
Boosts the vitality of crops. The higher the Deviant Energy rating, the greater the vitality. It also provides the right amount of irrigation water.
Rain Man

Location Guide - Manibus

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Notebook Entry

Deviation O-033 is a gaseous entity in a shabby, yellow rubber children's raincoat. It is about 1.3 meters tall and weighs about 9 grams.

The gaseous portion of O-033 is a cloud of bioaerosol. Spectral analysis has revealed the bioaerosol to include a variety of complex proteins and DNA molecules, of which 39% appear to be genetically human. The remaining 61% does not correspond genetically to any known organisms on Earth.

O-033 exhibits traits similar to that of an autistic child, including restrictive and repetitive behavior, and difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communication, social interaction, and emotional expression. However, it is friendly to researchers and willing to accept most interactive experiments. O-033 does not require food or water intake and evinces interest in reading books and playing children's games.

O-033's primary Deviation Trait is its meteorological influence, having the power to induce rainfall within a range of between 1.5 meters to 10 kilometers around itself. Humans exposed to this rain develop a unique empathic response to O-033. The nature and intensity of this response are not within O-033's control but vary with the volume of rainfall produced. O-033 seems to require this empathic response to perceive and identify individual humans. (Handwritten note by Researcher (female): Do not wear a %#$@! mental %#$@! barricade! Come in!)

APPENDIX O-033-A-001: The following is a non-standard record of the connection between the volume of precipitation caused by O-033's Deviation Trait and the empathic response produced. Recorded by Researcher (female).

· Rainfall rate of 2.5 millimeters per hour: Ability to sense O-033's location, accompanied by a faint awareness of its mood. (O-033 enjoys playing hide-and-seek, but games tend to end quickly.)
· Rainfall rate of 2.5 to 8 millimeters per hour: Low levels of sadness and depression. Subjects report "reduced mental capacity" and "loss of motivation."
· Rainfall rate of 8 to 16 millimeters per hour: Feelings of intense anxiety and unfounded terror. "There is danger hidden everywhere around us, even in the air."
· Rainfall rate exceeding 50 millimeters per hour: [Data Deleted]

Securement Procedures:
Provide O-033 with a securement suite rated Grade III or higher. The suite's interior walls should be painted yellow (color code 2340), and the internal humidity should be kept at 85% or higher. The exterior walls are to be covered in lead alloy.
Provide O-033 with new toys and children's books as a reward for "being a good boy." O-033 should be allowed to choose these items from a list provided by the site. All items provided should be made of waterproof plastic.

Wear a mental barricade when entering O-033's securement suite.

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