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Once Human Masonic Pyramid Icon

Masonic Pyramid

Produces special materials that can be used to craft Whim Potions. Use it to become invisible or spot hiding enemies.


Whim: Predator icon
Whim: Predator
The first hit after going out of combat and into a dive must be a Crit.

Location Guide - Manibus

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Notebook Entry

Deviation O-028 is the projection of an extra-dimensional entity within three-dimensional space. It seems to be composed of a material somewhere between metal and obsidian, and each of its faces comprises a countless number of triangular facets.

O-028's form changes frequently, albeit at irregular intervals. It most commonly presents as a square pyramid split into four layers whose base-to-height and height-to-hypotenuse ratios are each 1:1.27.

The primary Deviation Trait displayed by O-028 is extra-dimensional contamination. Any organism that comes into physical contact with O-028 will temporarily gain extra-dimensional properties, such as becoming the projection of a higher or lower-dimensional entity or acquiring entirely new senses.

Appendix O-028-001: Partial list of effects of exposure to O-028

· O-028 form: Four-layered square pyramid
Result: Subject gained four-dimensional awareness.
Duration: About 250 milliseconds.

· O-028 form: Flat geometrical shape resembling a Sierpiński carpet.
Result: Subject was curled up in multiple dimensions, thus becoming invisible in three-dimensional space.
Duration: About 120 minutes.

· O-028 form: Flat geometrical shape resembling a snowflake.
Result: Subject acquired a powerful sixth sense toward threat or hostility, causing them to receive a mental warning when danger or harm is imminent. Duration: About 120 minutes.

· O-028 form: Two three-dimensional square pyramids connected at their apices to form an hourglass shape
Result: When multiple subjects were exposed, they experienced a mental link that allowed them to communicate in a manner similar to telepathy.
Duration: Permanent

Appendix O-028-002:

[Permission Denied]

Appendix O-028-003:

[Permission Denied]

Appendix O-028-004:

[Permission Denied]

Securement Procedures:
Secure O-028 in Grade VI or higher S-Vessel for valuable objects.

Interact with O-028 when it manifests any of the forms described in Appendices O-028-001 to 004.

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