Outer Space Surge (Insane DMG) | Build Planner | Once Human
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Outer Space Surge (Insane DMG)

Power Surge, PvE (PvE)

Insane Damage Power Surge Build

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MPS7 - Outer Space (192 DMG)

Quality2 Tier V
Power SurgePower Surge, Suppression
Crit RateCrit Rate: 0.0%
Crit DMGCrit DMG: 0.0%
Weakspot DMGWeakspot DMG: 0.0%
Blasting SMG AP AmmoBlueprint background

Blasting SMG AP Ammo

Crit RateDamage Modifier: 15%
Weakspot DMGFor KV-SBR, MPS5 and MPS7 series submachine guns. Can be modified in the backpack to change accessory and ammo types.
Static ShockStatic ShockBlueprint background

Static Shock

QualityTier V
Mod TypeAll Weapons
Mod Effect

Power Surge Status duration -50%, and Power Surge DMG +20%.

Elemental DMG
Element DMG (Blaze, Frost, Shock, Blast) +1.6%.
DMG against the Great Ones
DMG against Bosses +4.8%4.8%
Head Protection
Head DMG Reduction +8.0%8.0%
DMG against Elite Enemies
DMG against Elite Enemies +7.5%7.5%
Calibration Blueprint - Heavy SMGBlueprint background

Heavy SMG

Weapon Play Style CalibrationHeavy Style
Calibration Description

Magazine Capacity +60%, Reload Speed -30%


Elemental DMG (Blaze, Frost, Shock, Blast) +6.0%-8.0%

Elemental DMG (Blaze, Frost, Shock, Blast) +9.0%-12.0%

Blueprint backgroundMPS7 - Outer Space
Tier 5

MPS7 - Outer Space(192 DMG at 2★)

Power SurgePower Surge, Suppression
DamageDMG: 192
Fire RateFire Rate: 850
ReloadReload: 32
MagazineMagazine: 35
AccuracyAccuracy: 48
StabilityStability: 43

Build and Vehicle Damage

  • Weakspot Stun DMG Multiplier +160.0%
  • Stun DMG Multiplier +100.0%
  • Melee Stun DMG Multiplier +130.0%
  • DMG to Vehicles +1

Equipment Stats

Durability: 100

Weight: 1.5

Required Level: 40

Quality: 4

Weapon Feature: Outer Space

▪ 25% chance to trigger Power Surge when hitting an enemy. ▪ After defeating an enemy, Power Surge chance +30% (based on weapon's Trigger Chance) for 12s. ▪ After reloading, Power Surge chance +40% (based on weapon's Trigger Chance) for 3s. ▪ Power Surge chance +40% (based on weapon's Trigger Chance).

Keyword: Power Surge

Deal Status DMG of 50% Psi Intensity once and inflict Power Surge status for 6s (Accuracy -40). Shock Element type. The additional damage cannot Crit, cannot strike Weakspots, and will not decay with distance. Actual Factor = 50% x (1+Power Surge DMG Factor Bonus) x (1+Power Surge Final DMG Bonus).

Weapon Mod: Static Shock

Elemental DMG
Element DMG (Blaze, Frost, Shock, Blast) +{1}%
DMG against the Great Ones
DMG against Great Ones +4.8%4.8%
Head Protection
Head DMG Reduction +8.0%8.0%
DMG against Elite Enemies
DMG against Elite enemies +7.5%7.5%

mod backgroundStatic Shock

Static Shock

Power Surge Status duration -50%, and Power Surge DMG +20%.

Type: All Weapons

Calibration: Calibration Blueprint - Heavy SMG

Calibration Blueprint - Heavy SMG

Magazine Capacity +60%, Reload Speed -30%

Style: Heavy Style

Elemental Attributes and Damage Bonus


Suppression, deals more DMG against Deviants

Damage Calculations: MPS7 - Outer Space

The damage calculations are still in development and will be accurate and extended soon.

Base DamageBase Damage: 192 (192 × 2★)
Crit RateCrit Rate: 0%
Crit DMGCrit DMG: 0%
Weakspot DMGWeakspot DMG: 0%
Reload SpeedReload Speed: 32
StabilityStability: 43
Blueprint backgroundMPS7 - Outer Space

Normal Hit: 221

Critical Hit: 221

Weakspot Hit: 221

Critical + Weakspot: 221

Average DPS: 221 (with 0% Crit Rate)