Wildfire Bingo build | Build Planner | Once Human
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Wildfire Bingo build

The Bull's Eye, PvE (Boss)

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By Sageqt

DE.50 - Wildfire (115 DMG)

Quality5 Tier I
The Bull's EyeThe Bull's Eye
Crit RateCrit Rate: 0.0%
Crit DMGCrit DMG: 0.0%
Weakspot DMGWeakspot DMG: 0.0%
Tungsten Pistol AP AmmoBlueprint background

Tungsten Pistol AP Ammo

Crit RateDamage Modifier: 15%
Weakspot DMGFor DE.50, R500, and G17 series pistols. Can be modified in the backpack to change accessory and ammo types.
Vulnerability AmplifierVulnerability AmplifierBlueprint background

Vulnerability Amplifier

QualityTier V
Mod TypeAll Weapons
Mod Effect

The Bull's Eye adds Vulnerability +8%.

Weakspot DMG
Weakspot DMG +9.0%9.0%
Weapon DMG
Weapon DMG +6.0%6.0%
DMG against the Great Ones
DMG against Bosses +6.0%6.0%
DMG against Elite Enemies
DMG against Elite Enemies +7.5%7.5%
Calibration Blueprint - P22Blueprint background


Weapon Play Style CalibrationRapid Shot Style
Calibration Description

Fire Rate +25%, Magazine Capacity +40%, Attack -15%


Weakspot DMG +7.2%-9.6%

Weakspot DMG +10.8%-14.4%

Blueprint backgroundDE.50 - Wildfire
Tier 1

DE.50 - Wildfire(115 DMG at 5★)

The Bull's EyeThe Bull's Eye
DamageDMG: 115
Fire RateFire Rate: 190
ReloadReload: 60
MagazineMagazine: 8
AccuracyAccuracy: 63
StabilityStability: 53

Build and Vehicle Damage

  • Weakspot Stun DMG Multiplier +160.0%
  • Stun DMG Multiplier +100.0%
  • Melee Stun DMG Multiplier +130.0%
  • DMG to Vehicles +2

Equipment Stats

Durability: 100

Weight: 1

Required Level: 1

Quality: 3

Weapon Feature: Wildfire

▪ 60% chance to trigger The Bull's Eye when hitting a target. ▪ There is a 80% chance to spread The Bull's Eye to 1 enemies within a 15m area. If there are no enemies within the area, Weapon DMG +25% for 10s. ▪ When hitting a Weakspot of marked enemies, Attack +3% for 10s, up to 3 stacks.

Keyword: The Bull's Eye

Highlight marked target will be outlined and suffer from Vulnerability +8% for 12s.

Weapon Mod: Vulnerability Amplifier

Weakspot DMG
Weakspot DMG+9.0%9.0%
Weapon DMG
Weapon DMG +6.0%6.0%
DMG against the Great Ones
DMG against Great Ones +6.0%6.0%
DMG against Elite Enemies
DMG against Elite enemies +7.5%7.5%

mod backgroundVulnerability Amplifier

Vulnerability Amplifier

The Bull's Eye adds Vulnerability +8%.

Type: All Weapons

Calibration: Calibration Blueprint - P22

Calibration Blueprint - P22

Fire Rate +25%, Magazine Capacity +40%, Attack -15%

Style: Rapid Shot Style

Elemental Attributes and Damage Bonus

No Elemental attributes or DMG bonus

Damage Calculations: DE.50 - Wildfire

The damage calculations are still in development and will be accurate and extended soon.

Base DamageBase Damage: 115 (115 × 5★)
Crit RateCrit Rate: 0%
Crit DMGCrit DMG: 0%
Weakspot DMGWeakspot DMG: 0%
Reload SpeedReload Speed: 60
StabilityStability: 53
Blueprint backgroundDE.50 - Wildfire

Normal Hit: 132

Critical Hit: 132

Weakspot Hit: 132

Critical + Weakspot: 132

Average DPS: 132 (with 0% Crit Rate)