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Here you can find all information about the TP command. You can see how to use it, what parameters to add, what the command does and use our command generator to create a ready to use command for ARK: Survival Ascendend or ARK: Survival Evolved.
Lets you teleport to defined locations quickly. The example will teleport you to the red obelisk on any DLC map. Location Name: red, Map: The Island, Location: Red Obelisk -260638 238923 -11202 121.41 -0.33. Location Name: green, Map: The Island, Location: Green Obelisk 178454 71660 -10081 121.41 -0.33. Location Name: blue, Map: The Island, Location: Blue Obelisk -195154 -195984 33858 -121.79 -20.82. Location Name: cave1, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of Lower South Cave 28780 242180 -13292 -121.79 -20.82. Location Name: cave2, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of Upper South Cave 49580 146350 -13533 59.56 -24.90. Location Name: cave3, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of Lava Cave 289030 165000 -14145 -129.93 -7.49. Location Name: cave5, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of Central Cave -23520 -67430 -101 -0.56 1.06. Location Name: cave6, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of North West Cave -247490 -245850 -11300 80.25 -8.41 (spawns you in the ground). Location Name: cave7, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of North East Cave 283820 -281680 -13699 152.53 12.08. Location Name: cave8, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of Swamp Cave -101776 101764 -5189 13.19 -15.63. Location Name: cave9, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of Snow Cave -143966 -164657 -5 -109.95 2.65. Location Name: cave10, Map: The Island, Location: Entrance of Tek Cave -87039 -54406 33489 -99.94 -10.32. Location Name: blue, Map: Scorched Earth, Location: Blue Obelisk -128529 -261433 -15439 -13.87 -6.04. Location Name: green, Map: Scorched Earth, Location: Green Obelisk 195186 186 -12513 0.31 8.64. Location Name: red, Map: Scorched Earth, Location: Red Obelisk -86375 168902 -16340 0.31 8.64. Location Name: red, Map: Aberration, Location: Red Obelisk -237249 246932 53390 0.00 0.00. Location Name: green, Map: Aberration, Location: Green Obelisk 222546 -219529 57313 0.00 0.00. Location Name: blue, Map: Aberration, Location: Blue Obelisk -271144 -248355 66754 0.00 0.00. Location Name: red, Map: Extinction, Location: Desert Titan Terminal 321836 377222 -60260 60.00 0.00. Location Name: green, Map: Extinction, Location: Forest Titan Terminal 5439 -272891 -145851 -23.85 -6.83. Location Name: blue, Map: Extinction, Location: Ice Titan Terminal 286565 -346100 -40719 -108.38 10.44. Location Name: king, Map: Extinction, Location: King Titan Terminal -8131 -373611 36660 -107.57 8.54. Location Name: red, Map: The Center, Location: Red Obelisk 37242 -210931 2066 -4.38 0.00. Location Name: green, Map: The Center, Location: Green Obelisk -376571 43020 -13552 -4.38 0.00. Location Name: blue, Map: The Center, Location: Blue Obelisk 250968 194402 -8487 -4.38 0.00. Location Name: red, Map: Ragnarok, Location: Red Obelisk 467435 -195919 -14209 -50.00 0.00. Location Name: green, Map: Ragnarok, Location: Green Obelisk -155773 91671 11619 -50.00 0.00. Location Name: blue, Map: Ragnarok, Location: Blue Obelisk -427662 -417081 -13747 -50.00 0.00. Location Name: red, Map: Valguero, Location: Red Obelisk -268136 213499 -39 -61.42 6.08. Location Name: green, Map: Valguero, Location: Green Obelisk 213785 -9234 -12739 -61.42 6.08. Location Name: blue, Map: Valguero, Location: Blue Obelisk -267025 -331553 688 -61.42 6.08.
Below you can find all generic information about the TP command.
Use this generator to generate the command with your desired parameters. Once you are done, press the copy button and paste it into the console in ARK.
Examples usages on how to use the command.
This is how you can open the console to type the commands in and how to execute them.